(There Will Always Be) Another Day

Episode #34: (There’ll Always Be) Another Day – (Song at 9:10)

Hi there, welcome! How would you like to sit back and have a listen to a songwriter speak? Now’s your opportunity. I’m sitting at my piano – which I noodle away on – sometimes a little absently, as I speak. I also use the piano to demonstrate aspects of what I’m talking about. 

And what I’m talking about this week Is song #584: Another day.. Where did it come from? Neil the lead guitarist in our band suggested it: “Pete, there’s so many songs about winning… What about one about …losing.  I think it’d be a winner!” Ha. He’s got a dry sense of humour, has Neil. 

I also talk about the idea of participation being the important thing. Success is.. what it is.. along the way.  

I like to turn things around to the positive, best I can, so I couldn’t help myself: I gave it an uplifting twist at the end. Perhaps I failed at writing a song about failure! 

The demo itself has a good feeling about it. The band have had a dabble with this song here. It hasn’t made it on an album yet, but I think it will not far away.

It’s been another episode of exploration, opening up… As an artist, you can come across as sounding a bit .. Vulnerable. And I think that’s important. You’re honest about your feelings, you’re inviting the listener in. 

Which is precisely what I’m doing here. Tune in now, hear some new music… ( I’m loving sharing my music this way and talking about it ).

I hope you enjoy this week’s episode… And if you do, there’s another 30 odd episodes here..that means 30 odd new songs.. Please leave a favourable comment / tell your friends / share this far and wide –  thank you in advance!


By the way, If you’d like to find out more about my art and music, there’s quite a bit online, including: 

www.petepascoe.com website 

Blog www.petepascoe.wordpress.com ( creations in music and art) – not a bad place to start-  it’s a weekly blog (which you can sign up to). You’ll hear about a new music, videos, recordings, a how to draw a Cartoon video, a Seascape painting ( I paint one each week) … Plus lots more….

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